Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Why Unpublished ?

I’ve been wanting to rant a lot since few days. Why? I don’t have an exact answer. May be, I just miss writing stuff about my personal life and I can’t remember the exact reason why I stopped blogging. It has got something to do with my “inspiration” to put down the words on paper (or blog).
So, when I started writing this post, there are just TOO MANY things in my brain flashing in like 0.000001 seconds and disappearing at the same time. So, don’t blame me if one para has nothing to do with another para. I’m just ranting here.

I used to have an old Blog (click on it if you’re interested to know more about me). There is just too much sad and immature (according to me) stuff in that. I don’t feel like deleting it, cuz, someday obviously am gonna look back and have that stupid smile on my face which is worth it. I also don’t feel like posting my rantings in that blog for it reminds me of some painful stuff. So, here I am! With a brand new blog!

Why Unpublished?

Obvious reason. These writings/rantings are never going to get published in any newspaper or anywhere else for that matter. The other reason, people say I write very well (not me, they say, I promise!) but my parents don’t know that I write such stuff straight outta my heart. Not just my parents, whoever is connected with my family doesn’t know that I have this thing in me. They also think that am plain boring, dad's lil' girl, and etcetra stuff. So, that’s another reason for choosing the title as ‘unpublished’. My writings are unknown both publicly and privately. Except you, my reader, thanks for taking the pain of going through my rantings!

There are many things to log and rant about my present life. I hope I am regular to this blog! See you soon.

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